From the heart of Naples, three buddies have brewed up something special, spreading their musical magic all over Italy. Blending rap, techno, and psychedelic punk, when they perform, it's not just a show, it's like a spark that lights up everything - from clubs to festivals. Picture the energy of Fat White Family, Beastie Boys, and The Prodigy in their heyday, but with a new touch of production that echoes the early days of Aphex Twin.

Now, as the rest of Europe and the world is calling, Fuera unleashed their newest release called Mariposathat translates to ‘Butterfly’. This one's a mash-up of experimental electronics, Spanish poetry, IDM, and ambient vibes, all wrapped up with catchy hooks that tell the story of their musical evolution or – the story of their metamorphosis into a full-on “Mariposa”, (no pun intended). In this interview, we explore what else the trio had to add about their latest single.

Miriam Boulos:  Mariposa seems to mark a new chapter in Fuera's musical journey. Can you take us behind the scenes and share the creative process behind this single? What inspired the lyrics, melodies, and overall vibe of the song? 

Fuera: We started from the creation of the Spanish voice that tells the story of the transformation from worm to butterfly, inspired by Jododorowsky's "mariposa que arde". Later we worked on the song in a house surrounded by nature, close to the mountains and a river and that helped a lot to catch the vibe. 

MB: The introduction of the song references an unknown Spanish poem. Can you share more details about this poem and how its themes are reflected in the lyrics of Mariposa

F: Yes, actually, the poem was written by one of us (Jimmy) with the help of ChatGPT and then the lyrics became a voice using another AI tool. As we said, this was the starting point to write the whole lyrics. 

MB: The song combines experimental electronics, IDM, and ambient atmospheres with a catchy topline. How did you manage to balance these diverse elements to create a cohesive and engaging track? 

F: Mixing different elements is in our opinion is the most important thing in music making, so we always try to come out with a new sum of our current taste. 


MB: The title Mariposa translates to butterfly, which symbolizes transformation and rebirth. How does this theme resonate with the song's lyrics, and what message do you hope listeners take away from this track? 

F: Beyond the transformation, the main theme of the song is the butterfly's sense of freedom and lightness. The first verse describes metaphorically the painful time that comes before the transformative journey, while the rest of the song emphasizes the elegance and beauty of a butterfly's flight. 

MB: In what ways do you think Mariposa represents the evolution of Fuera's sound? Are there specific musical elements or techniques that you experimented with for the first time in this song? 

F: This is the first time we try to experiment with glitches, time changes and stuff like that and it was funny! A true inspiration was an Aphex Twin show we attended some months ago. 

MB: Collaborations and remixes can often breathe new life into a single. Are there any plans for collaborating with other artists on Mariposa remixes, or can we expect any special versions of the song in the future? F: At the moment, we don’t have in mind any remix of the song but who knows. Actually, there is a different version of the song, a studio live session we recorded and produced with C41 magazine. 

MB: How do you envision Mariposa resonating with your audience? What emotions or experiences do you hope it evokes in the listeners who engage with this track? 

F: We're so grateful for our audience for all the support and love people showed to Mariposa’s release, we played it in our last shows in Rome and Milan and the energy was absolutely insane!
